Rabbit serum with complementary activity for the typing of the main human histocompatibility complex Mr. Walter Góngora Amores, I Dr. Rolando Sánchez Artigas, I Mr. Zuleidis Torres Ponce, I Dr. Javier Corella Sánchez, I Mr. Dailin Cobos Valdés, I Mr. Antonio Miranda Cruz, I Mr. Thamara Dunia Ricardo II Center for Immunology and Biopreparations. Holguin,… Continue reading
Metabolism is a vital process for all forms of life. It is broadly defined as the sum of all the biochemical processes involved in maintaining the state of life of cells and, therefore, of the organism. More than 87,000 reactions and 16,000 metabolites are listed in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genome. The transformation… Continue reading